McKinney Plano Dallas Frisco CHL Classes
McKinney Plano Dallas Frisco Concealed Carry Classes

Gallery of Activities

After an indoor session on safety, how firearms function, ammo selection, loading/unloading, action types, more nagging about safety, stance, grip, aiming, and trigger control, we hit the range and actually shoot. I am always hovering.
Same day, more hovering. Safety is Job One, and I have a responsibility to ensure that no one is injured.
This was a larger group, a ladies class, which called for a more formal venue.
Unlike a lot of men, the ladies actually listen, and want to learn to do it right. While it may not be rocket science, there are some things one needs to understand, and some of them are counter-intuitive. A guide is needed.
The ladies are practicing hold control (grip), and trying to figure out which eye to use. The answer is both, but that is tricky.
They were easy to work with at the range. Most of them did not have their own firearm, so they got to rotate through several of mine, from a .22 up to a .38 Special. They found out that a 9mm is easier to shoot than a .380, which is smaller. That might not make sense, but you have to experience it.
Sandy holds court in the classroom. This popular training class is required for the Texas License to Carry, and usually fills up a week or more in advance. Firearms law is complicated, so an experienced guide is necessary.
The LTC Proficiency test, at 3 yards. This private range is at a local lake, so the dam provides a backstop.
More of the same. They have to fire 20 shots from 3 yards, 20 from 7 yards, and 10 from 15 yards. Here they are at 7 yards. Since everyone wears ear protection, a bullhorn makes it easier for them to hear the commands.
And more of the same. It was a little cold that day, but no one complained. This test is only hard for someone who has never shot a gun; for those with even minimal instruction, it is not. Few people have trouble with it. Several times, I have taught someone to shoot one week before the class, and they were able to pass this test. That said, they have to pass it on their own; I don't take any of their shots for them.
Another group, in April this time. A little windy.
The new classroom facility, about 50 yards from the range. Very convenient, as we can do all the training in one place.
Plano Concealed Carry